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27 April 2007

Like saving the Royal Library of Alexandria

I was jogging the streets of my neighborhood yesterday morning in the rain. My neighbors have begun assembling their contribution to the annual 'spring cleanup' that is offered by the city of Highland Park whereby homeowners are able to dispose of unwanted things that would normally be considered special pick up for the outsourced scavenger service Veolia provides the city and its residents. Believe me, I have in mind a large pile of useless clutter that I will contribute... Old car seats, a damaged dehumidifier, boxes of cheap plastic toys, nick knacks and other items that make my life UN-feng shui. The truth is this annual event brings many visitors to the neighborhood to claim another man's trash as their own treasure. I have an example as illustrated below.
I found a full set of leather bound Encyclopedia Britannica bicentennial edition. My first thought while running by these volumes of data was horror as the rain soaked them like cereal in milk. Also envisioned an image of the Royal Library of Alexandria going up in flames. While I know that information is now easily accessed online it seemed unreasonable to throw these books and others to the curb. I imagined how useful they'd be for a child in an impoverished setting desiring to learn but without the resources. I sprinted home and got in my car to pick them up and promptly arranged them in front of a dehumidifier at my Parents house, since mine is broken, and I will find a new home for them this spring. The humor of the situation for me was as I frantically collected the set the homeowner began backing out of their driveway leaving for the day... I thought to myself, "I know this is a bit awkward for you too."

25 April 2007

Mr. Bird

Thank you David and Ginger for keeping me company. Also, for humoring me by allowing us to stand at the very back of the theater behind the bar... You know I need space to compute things that are too wonderful for me.
Andrew's sold out concert at the Riviera on Friday in Chicago was just as I anticipated. An honest reflection of the memories of my time spent with Andrew in High School. Unpretentious, wildly creative, and in his own pace & style. Honestly, strikingly handsome as well I suppose though I didn't get near close enough to see him that evening. Ginger did catch a glimpse though and she is after all the one who coined the phrase ILAB as recorded in the senior quote portion of her year book. Truly a gilded Lilly wrapped in a robe of humility. What a pleasure and joy it was to see one so deserving living their personal legend and dream in front of a crowd of thousands of adoring fans/intellects.

20 April 2007

Attitude is everything

No wonder the Chicago Police are so ineffective?

19 April 2007


I learned two things on my trip on Tuesday: 1. My Japanese built Camry 30 years younger will never stack up to a good ole' American built Oldsmobile four four two
2. The importance of considering g2r (grief to return) for all matters of import.